Sidharth Singh has been running Rohet Garh, the opulent heritage hotel in Rohet, a village near Jodhpur, since 1990. In late 2009, he opened Mihir Garh, a resplendent boutique hotel in a mud fort that has come in for rave reviews. Sidharth is also into breeding and promoting the indigenous (and majestic) Marwari breed of horses on his property - he considers the Marwari breed the finest specimen in the horse family .
From: Rohet, IndiaI've been passionate about horses all my life - in fact, for as long as I can remember! I was probably two-and-a-half or three years old when I first sat on a horse. So it's a passion that goes a long way back. And I'm fortunate that I've been able to pursue and indulge my passion for horses - Rohet Garh, the heritage hotel and my ancestral family's property for four centuries, has provided me the opportunity to do so. Every moment that I've spent around horses in my life has been memorable. There's a pleasure, a thrill, attached to being on a horse - it's a feeling that one can't really put into words. I've also been training my own horses, and once you start to connect with the animal, that for me is a high. I've also ridden horses outside of India - in Ireland and in Sweden. But something that I'd love to experience is a horse safari in Africa - I hope I can do that one day! .