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Meet: Rajesh Kalra

Rajesh is a cycling nut - there's no other word to describe his devotion to this pastime of saddles and pedals. And you have to be a bit batty to attempt some of the long-distance and off-road trails he has done (Manali to Leh, Leh to Pangong, anyone?). Rajesh's Pedal Yatri is an active group of fellow riding devotees that has done much to demystify and popularize this exciting sport .

From: Delhi, India
Languages: English,Hindi
Occupation: Media

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I have been cycling ever since I can remember. I was into sports all the time, but as far as cycling is concerned, I probably started taking it seriously - intending to do it the right way that is - about 10 years ago. My strength has been long-distance riding, mostly off-road trails. Five years ago, I set up a cycling group and named it Pedal Yatri. We ride mostly around Delhi and Gurgaon, but we also travel a lot - we would go west to Pune, and also head to the south. As a group, we have ridden from Manali to Leh, and from Leh to Pangong, and have also participated in events such as the MTB Himalaya, regarded as the third toughest bicycling race on the planet. All our experiences on bikes are memorable - as a group, we look to explore a lot, in and around Gurgaon. Outside of India, I have cycled a lot in France .

Rajesh Kalra Tribes

3 Topics
36 Members

Do you have a question for Rajesh Kalra?

  Ask Rajesh Kalra
 can u please provide me route for cycling practice for MTB races sir. .
3044 days ago
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 sir can i meet you,please or can i have your emailid .
3045 days ago
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 Sir Good Afternoon I have been a sportsman throughout my schooling and college, now, I'm developing my hobby into cycling and want to prepare for Manali-Leh expedition. I want to purchase a mountain bike in the range of 20-30 thousand (can increase also if suggested), preferably any brand under Firefox, as services available in Jammu. Your valuable suggestions can help me in my selection. Also suggest size for the height of 5.8". Regards: Pardeep Dalal .
3628 days ago | Tribe: Mountain Biking in Himalaya
Not Yet Answered
 Sir I had registered for the Times of India Times Passion Trail. Unfortunately I didn't qualify for it. I am an enthusiast but haven't been cycling for a long time now. Could you tell me what kind of physical endurance I might need in order to participate in such event, quantified to cycling per day?.
3807 days ago
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 Hi Rajesh. I would like to take the 3 day mountain biking workshop in Simla before venturing out for the next wonderful sounding Manali-Leh mountain biking trip - perhaps in June 2015. The web site does not mention any dates for the Simla workshop. Any info? 25 years back (I am 48 now) I havd done a India cross country with a group - 2,500km (Arunachal to Gujarat) in 5-6 months. but have been off the bicycle since. I am so looking forward to this :).
3808 days ago
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 Hi Rajesh How can i get into the group !! BR varun .
3830 days ago
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 Hi Sir, am planning to buy a cycle. its may be weird asking you, can you suggest where i can have it for multi purpose.. like long distance cycling, excercise kind of and also can ride in city lanes if needed.. I also registered for the trip of yours, at yatra with Times of India. Thank you.
3869 days ago
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 SIR will you please tell me about your trip of ladakh which will take place in yr 2015 feburary.... that who can go...when we have to fillup forms..about its procedure...and fee structure...
3883 days ago
 Sir, I wanted to go on a mountain biking trip. But I know nothing about this activity. Who should I hook up with if I want to learn more and maybe take a few baby steps towards mountain biking. The only cycling I have done is to school in Bareilly. I am 25 years old and live in Gurgaon..
4180 days ago
 Does anyone do mountain biking tours in North East?.
4189 days ago
 Will explore bio-diversity park for sure. Thanks once again. .
4190 days ago
 Thanks for suggestions. Do you organise rides for kids? Is there any club for kids his age? .
4190 days ago
 My 8 yr old son is quite a cycling buff. He?s comfortable doing around 20 km rides on his Firefox but am a little wary in taking him out too often. How can I encourage him without exposing him too much to our crazy traffic? And, is there any cycling club where he can ride with his age group? .
4196 days ago
Rohit Kapur Hi Rajesh. Hope you have been well. I am in the market for a road bike and wanted to get some pointers on what makes sense for a newbie to the sport. Any thoughts. Thanks.
4235 days ago
Shirly Thomas Bajaj Hi rajesh! Where in Delhi can I get appropriate clothes for cycling? The T-shirt with reflective bands, cycling shorts etc. Tks.
4304 days ago
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